Wednesday - Walk to Hudson Yard’s (clean toilets) and the Highline. After we walked through Greenwich Village to Washington Square. Early lunch at Breakfast by Salt’s Cure. Brutal cab to Midtown (take Subway next time). Broadway show in the PM (we saw The Cursed Child). Walk back to hotel. Pizza at John’s Pizzeria which was super highly rated and was awful.
Welcome to our last day in NYC! This is day three of our Trip to NYC with Kids 3 Day Itinerary.
For the other parts: Here are Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 of our trip.
We walked from our hotel at The Intercontinental Times Square to Hudson Yard's. Hot tip - Hudson Yard's (which is an indoor mall?) had nice toilets if anyone needs to go the bathroom.

The Hive was closed but it was pretty cool.
We walked the High Line from Hudson Yards to the end at the Whitney Museum of American Art. The Highline was once elevated railway tracks that fell into disuse and were re-imagined as an above ground walking path. It is super cool with lots of vegetation, views and architecture. Because it is raised it felt cooler up there than down on the streets.
Afterwards we wandered through Greenwich Village to Washington Square. We had an early lunch at Breakfast by Salt's Cure which was OK.
We took a cab back to our hotel at Midtown which was very long. The afternoon we spend some much needed air conditioned time watching the Broadway production of The Cursed Child which my kids thoroughly enjoyed. We ran into a friend who recommended it. I was uncertain because of the running time but they loved it.

That night we ate at a pizza place which had extremely high ratings on Yelp and was absolutely awful. I don't even know how that's possible. Honestly, if you are looking for somewhere to eat in NYC look at reliable sites like Eater.

The next day we flew out and said goodbye to NYC!
Have any questions? Let me know!
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